CAD Design Services

Our CAD designers provide various design consulting services to assist our customers through their product development journeys with a level of support tailored to their particular requirements. Some specific examples are outlined below:

Full Product Development

Creating concepts, working alongside our client all the way to completed production data, ensuring we capture your vision.

FEA (Stress Analysis)

We utilise structural analysis tools within Solidworks to evaluate the performance of the design.

Toilet Roll Dispenser
Toilet Roll Dispenser
Stress Analysis on Cycle Rack
Stress Analysis on Cycle Rack

Working with our network of trusted suppliers in various manufacturing sectors, we can source both prototypes for testing or marketing and also volume production parts.

Reverse Engineering

Provide us with an existing product and we can accurately recreate it within Solidworks to develop detailed manufacturing drawings and modify and improve the design where required.

Sheet Metal Motorcycle Trailer
Sheet Metal Motorcycle Trailer
A pneumatic load test machine
A pneumatic load test machine
3D Scanning & Printing

We put to use our variety of advanced equipment to aid our customer's needs, whether to 3D print a prospective part to test a fit, or scan a product to integrate into the design.

Value Engineering

With an existing design, we can work to create the most cost-effective product within your design constraints.

3D Scanning
3D Scanning
Exploded view of a lock assembly
Exploded view of a lock assembly

These are just some of the services we can provide. If you think we can help your business, don't hesitate to contact us!